Hello Everyone,
It has been a while since the last roadmap post and we’d like to share some information about what we’re working on!
Read below for some highlights from our plans and responses to frequently mentioned areas of the game. This isn’t a complete list of everything we’re working on and these plans reflect our current stances-- some items may be adjusted or changed in the future.
Please share your questions and/or feedback. Thank you all for playing and supporting Animation Throwdown!
- Drop Rates (Loot Odds)
- Adjustments to Arena win/loss points
- Legendary Stones for Recycling
- Legendary Quests
- Unity upgrade (stability and performance improvements)
- Added Character and Object to inventory filters
- Added Ability to use refills over cap
- Added Swap deck button to various pre-battle screens
- Improvements to deck editing, clearing, and saving
Upcoming or Planned
Features or fixes we have coming up in a client or server update, or are planned in an update soon.
Quality of Life Improvements:
- Use multiple items at once
- Display # out of # Combos Researched
- Faster Skip Battle
- Faster Reward animation
- Display currency caps, where applicable
- View and interact with Combo Mastery while Mastery research is in progress
New Skills
Here’s a sneak peek of the three new skills coming to Throwdown soon! We’ll have more details to share about these skills as early as next month.
Mythic Buffs & New Legendary Versions of Characters
Check out our earlier post, outlining the upcoming buffs for older Mythics and the new Legendary versions of characters.
Features or fixes we have discussed implementing but need more time to plan, design, and/or implement.
Daily Quest Update
We are working on a new system to improve daily quests. In the new system, completing quests will earn progress towards bigger rewards. There will also be a greater variety of quests and new weekly quests.
Challenge Updates
We aren’t happy with the current state of Challenges and are looking to replace them with a more engaging and rewarding system. This update is early in the design process and we will share more news about it soon.
Buyback System & Card Buffs
We shared details about a Buyback System and Card Buffs earlier this year:
Originally posted by ModchiKopi**:
Buyback System
A buyback system would allow players to purchase previously recycled cards with giggitywatts. In turn, we would be able to buff older cards without the recycle regret and influx of support tickets asking for cards to be restored. It will also help players get a faster resolution if a card was accidentally recycled.
Card Buff Cycles
For those of you who play Spellstone, you may be familiar with the concept of card buffs: previously released cards are reviewed and some have their stats permanently increased.
Once we release the buyback system, we are able to do card buffs in Throwdown, in order to increase the number of viable cards and strategies. Card Buffs would be announced from time to time and would include both premium and standard cards. This is one potential approach to addressing concerns about the current card pools. Additionally, event boxes in the shop may offer recently buffed cards so that newer players also have access to them.
These changes are still planned, but we don’t currently have an ETA.
Other / FAQ
How does Clash matchmaking work and are there any changes in the works?
Clash Matchmaking currently pairs you with an opponent based on the level of the Clash you are in. The higher level you go in Clash, the higher SFC ranked opponents you will face. The match is made based off of current SFC ranks, not where players stood at the time the Clash started.
We are reviewing matchmaking and player feedback and may make some adjustments. At this early stage, there isn’t more to share, but we will make an official post announcing any changes, if needed.
Are there any plans to update card/stone pools?
We are aware that Legendary duals and quads are increasingly difficult to get as the pool expands and have future plans to address the issue. At this time, we don’t have additional details to share.
If you have any additional questions or comments, please let us know here. Thanks!