Here is a glossary of some acronyms, abbreviations, or vocabulary you may see in the community or right here in the Player Help Center.
AD | American Dad | |
AFK | Away From Keyboard | |
BB | Bob's Burgers | |
Beta | A pre-release update, usually accessed by select players and devs only with the purpose of finding bugs/issues before the build goes live to all players. | |
BGE | Battle Ground Effect or Background Effect | |
Bot | An account run by automated actions, but may appear to be controlled by a real human. | |
CHAR | Character Card | |
Clash | A special event that provides buffs to specific combos. Must reach SFC rank in Arena to qualify. See More. | |
CM | Combo Mastery | |
CMT | Combo Mastery Tokens | |
Cycling | Used to describe events which occur on a regular, repeated schedule. Example: "Rumbles are cycling. They occur every 3 weeks." | |
Dev | Abbreviation of the word Developer. Refers to just about anyone who directly contributes to how the game progresses and is maintained. | |
DF | Double fused | |
E | Epic (Blue) Card Class | |
ES | Epic Stones | |
FA/FT | Futurama | |
Farming or Grinding | Playing a specific area of the game repeatedly to accumulate resources i.e. Hero Tokens, Nixon Coins or Golden Turds | |
FG | Family Guy | |
GES | Greater Epic Stones | |
GT | Golden Turd | |
GW/WATTS | Giggitywatts | |
HT | Hero Tokens | |
IGC | In Game Chat | |
IGN | In Game Name or In Game ID | |
Input Card | Character/Face Card or Item/Object Card | |
KoTH | King of the Hill | |
L/LEG/Leggy | Legendary (Purple) Card Class | |
LS | Legendary stones | |
MOM/MOM Box | Mom’s Old Fashion Mystery Box | |
MOS | Mythic object stones | |
MMR | Matchmaking Ranking | |
MS | Mythic stones / Mastery Stones | |
Nix/Nixons | Basic game currency, looks like a coin with President Nixon's face on it | |
NPC | Non-Player Character | |
NRC | Non-refillable Challenge | |
OF | Offer Wall | |
OP | As a noun, could mean Original Player or Original Post(er). As a verb, it could mean to 'over power.' As an adjective, it could mean 'overpowered' (very/too strong). | |
P2P/F2P/C2P | Pay to Play / Free to Play / Cheap to Play | |
PC | Power Card (kong) or Pre-combo Card (community) | |
PS | Power stones | |
PVE | Player vs Environment | |
QF | Quad fused | |
RFC | Refillable Challenge | |
RNG | Random Numbers Generator or as an almighty being, Random Nrgy Goddess | |
SEP | Super Epic Pak | |
SFC | “Secret Fight Club,” aka Arena Level 16 | |
SMS | Super Mythic Stones | |
SWOLE | A limited release Challenge event requiring the training of Heroes for increased card buffs. More info. | |
Troll | As a noun: an anonymous, attention seeking online contributor (chat or forum), often overly negative, sarcastic and/or harassing of others. As a verb: to troll. | |
UF | Unfused | |
UN | Username | |
VIP | Literally means 'Very Important Person.' Usually refers to the VIP Pass: a purchasable, subscription item. Can also refer to the players who buy the VIP pass. VIP passes in Animation Throwdown provide an Automatic Ad boost, 85 Gems per day and +10 Adventure Energy. | |
WHALE | AKA “High Roller;” refers to anyone who spends a lot of money on the game | |
WW | Wonder Wharf (Challenge) Coins |
ADD L | Addicted Luanne | |
Arc | Arcturan Kung Fu | |
BAG | Big Ass gun | |
BAP | Battle Ax Peggy | |
BMR | Badminton Roger | |
BoS | Book of Spells | |
BSG | Bending School Grad | |
BWS | Boy Witch Steve | |
CCG | Candy Cane Gun | |
CF | Chicken Fight | |
CigAdd | Cigarette Addicts | |
CPO | Christmas Punchout | |
FD Gene/FD Loise | Freezerdome Gene / Freezerdome Louise | |
GBE | Golf Ball Escape | |
GBG | Girls Being Girls | |
HHB | Hip Hop Bob | |
HMH | Heavy Metal Haley | |
HSB | High School Bill | |
HSL | High School Linda | |
IAM | I Am Mona | |
JBS | Jelly Bean Schnapps | |
JJHC | Jimmy Jr. Horse Costume | |
Nibbler | Nibbler on the Roof | |
OAP | One Art Please | |
OMM | One Man Musical | |
PitBT | Party in the Beer Tank | |
SDS | Super Dance Squad | |
WoaHW | Will of a Housewife |