We've gotten some really great feedback about the offer wall and we are super happy players have been excited to see this feature in-game.
We are aware of a few issues. Most notably, we're working with the provider to improve support and remove problematic offers.
If you are having any issues with specific offers, please refer to this FAQ -
If your issue is not resolved by Iron Source (SS), you can contact our support team and we can investigate further.
Submitting tickets helps us track specific issues and allows us to reply back to you if we need or have any additional information about the problem.
We are also reviewing this thread for feedback, but cannot reward unrewarded offers posted in the thread below:
but we'd still strongly recommend submitting tickets for any offers that should have been completed or are not working correctly so we can troubleshoot and track the issue.
Thank you so much for checking out the offers and sending feedback!
Edit: This process is taking longer than normal (see above ticket delays and volume issues, so please be patient as we work out the support process for offer wall problems.)