Hello everyone!
Are you ready for a really big update?
Adventure Update
Animation Throwdown will have FIVE new Adventure chapters added to the game - one for each show.
- Yug Ylimaf
- Wharf Horse
- Hayley Smith, Seal Team Six
- Roswell that Ends Well
- Smoking and the Bandit
In addition to the new chapters, a new difficulty level will be available on ALL levels known as "Onyx" difficulty.
As previously stated, Adventure is receiving a rewards update.
Once a player completes a section of a level, they will receive the reward listed in the pool as a guaranteed drop, but will not be able to obtain the reward again.
Players who have already completed the levels will have to play the levels once more in order to receive the rewards retroactively. Example: If you've completed all of 3-1, you will need to replay and win 3-1 once again to receive the entire reward pool.
The reward pool will also be updated to:
- 4 copies of a Common for Bronze completion.
- 2 copies of a Rare for Silver completion.
- 1 Epic for Gold completion.
- 1 Epic for Onyx completion.
Here is an example screenshot:
Players that complete the new Onyx difficulty will gain access to new grindable rewards, including Giggitywatts & Golden Turds.
Golden Turds
A new currency is coming to Throwdown! Golden Turds are grindable Adventure currency that will allow you to buy Golden Turd packs!
Golden Turd packs will contain cards that have traits that match with the current Battleground Effect.
New Hero
This new hero looks good. Tilda Swinton good.
Skill Icon/Animation Update
You've already seen part of our updates to the skill Animations, but with the update some remaining skills and animations will receive a facelift.
Here is a list of the before and after icons:
And here is a video of some of the animations in action (a few raw cut videos of various skill animations):
Steam Info
Animation Throwdown is coming to Steam next week. You can add it to your wishlist now and download it when it becomes available.
You will be able to connect your account via Kongregate if your game account is properly connected to one. You will be able to login using the K icon just like the mobile and web versions.
There is only one major difference between the Steam and Web version of the game and that is the way the game handles the ad bonus. Incentivized ads are not available in the Steam version, however, the ad bonus will be available via the VIP pass - update information below.
VIP Pass Update
For Steam users: With the VIP pass active you’ll get the maximum ad bonus and Loot crates will begin to drop (at the same rate as before 3/day).
For Mobile/Web users: With the VIP pass active you’ll get the maximum ad bonus and the crates will open without needing to watch an ad.
These updates will be coming next week!
- ShinyMetalMod