Hello community.
Clearly you are frustrated and clearly this reaction is not what we had hoped for. We are still reviewing SFC, but I wanted to announce a couple things even if we don't have a solution to some of the concerns brought up.
Secret Fight Club
Secret Fight Club is intended to be challenging. And the good news is that we got a lot of great feedback stating that players liked the new challenge and the fact that it required them to have to pay attention to the battle. That is what we are shooting for. However, we recognize there are some problems in the design that is making SFC feel like less fun for some.
After reviewing feedback, we decided to increase the gold on loss and the stone drop rate. However, we recognize that this doesn't solve some of the other lingering problems.
We are going to release updates we think will make SFC feel fun, while still reaching the goal of being challenging. The first update will drop a player from Secret Fight Club if they lose three times at 0 points.
The team is still reviewing feedback and internal statistics, and this may not be the last update for SFC, but please keep in mind that development takes time, development, testing, and review. Even then, as a small team working on a very large game, sometimes we don't always get it right.
Please continue to post in the feedback thread here:
They really do get reported on and it posting there makes sure your comments get read.
Zapp Brannigan Challenge
We always stated that challenges would have variety. We still plan to release the more familiar unranked challenges - one will actually be available today. However, we don't intend to stop the ranked challenges. We are further reviewing feedback and once the challenge is completed, we will look at adjustments for reward structure (which seemed to be the main concern).
Please continue to post in the feedback thread here:
iOS Crashes
This is very important to us as many players are finding it hard to play the game. Our team is still working to resolve the problem, but as soon as we have an update we will announce the release date for a fix. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this is causing we really hope to determine the source of the crashes soon.