Hello everyone!
Here are some info about upcoming updates...
Guild Sieges
Here is some info you have all been waiting for! Guild Sieges is a new event that will be coming after final testing has been completed (a couple weeks, give or take).
Guild Sieges are a one day battle (24 hour) that pit Guild vs Guild in a massive Battleground Effect Battle.
During the event, guilds will defend five (5) islands while attacking their opponent's islands. The Guild Siege will have multiple stages throughout the event.
- Stage 1 - OPT IN (Tue - Fri): A Guild Leader or Officer will opt into the event for the guild.
- Stage 2 - MATCHMAKING/DEFENSE (Mon-Sun): The Guild Leader or Officer can assign different islands to defend, each with it's own individual Battleground Effect. Players can assign themselves to one of five (5) different defensive islands chosen. Each player assigned to an island will give that island 10 health. Once the Siege starts - the event is locked and no changes can be made.
- Stage 3 - BATTLE (Sun-Mon): Players will have 10 attacks they can use anytime. Win the siege by finishing with more points that the other guild. Earn points by winning battles and destroying islands. These are not refillable attacks. Players will choose a deck to act as defense. There are no restrictions on which deck is used for battle. Golden Turds will be earned for each battle win.
- Stage 4 - RANKINGS (Mon): Rankings are updated and rewards are sent to the Mailbox if the Guild wins. Rewards are based on the Guild ranking prior to updated scoring.
The overall points gained at the end of the event will establish initial matchmaking the following week. The first week's matchmaking will be determined by the Guild's total Arena rank (we will let you know the cut off date when it is determined). Like Arena, a total score/ranking will persist from week to week - your rank will not reset.
Please note: There may be updates to Sieges prior to its release.
Turds in Ad Bonus
Golden Turd bonus will replace Card Drop Rate bonus. This update will arrive around the same time Guild Sieges go live.
Known Issues and Gift
We wanted to thank the community for continuing to report gameplay bugs and other issues. We are reviewing all the reports/concerns that come in, although it does take time, we try resolve as many issues as possible while continuing to support and create new content. Some known issues are more difficult to resolve for a variety of reasons, but we are very grateful to those who are taking their time out to help send us details, reproduction steps, and screenshots of technical and gameplay issues.
We will be sending out a gift pack to everyone in game for the support and patience with any technical issues you have experienced. This pack will contain a Super Epic Pack, 1000 Turds, and 100 Gems. This gift pack will be sent out just prior to the Guild Siege release.
Thank you again and please contact our support team for any bugs or technical issues:
Updated Help Center
We have been hammering to update the Help Center! While there is still a lot of work to be done, we hope this will better help players of all skill levels.
If you would like to report typos/problems or want to provide suggestions for Articles, please contact http://www.kongregate.com/accounts/ModchiKopi and they may send you some Gems for the help/effort.
-- ModchiKopi