What are Quests?
Complete Quests to earn rewards! The reward for each Quest can be seen on the right side of the Quest listing.
There are three types of Quests : Season Quests, Daily Quests, and Gameplay. Each can be accessed by clicking on the buttons on the left.
- Season Quests will give you Mega Quest XP, progressing this season's Mega Quest. New Season Quests arrive every Monday!
- Daily Quests provide a variety of rewards every day!
- Gameplay Quests provide Player XP
in addition to other rewards. New Gameplay Quests unlock as you complete previous Gameplay Quests. Complete these to raise your Player Level!
How do Quests work?
Click on the Quests icon in the main menu to see which Quests are available to you. Each quest can have multiple requirements. Follow the requirements completely to get credit!
We'll use the Weekly - School Trailblazer quest as an example. It has multiple requirements and the battles played will only count if each requirement is completed.
- The quest asks for you to play "40 Educated combos". Make sure the combos you create in battle have the Educated
trait. Click on the Combo itself if you're not sure!
- The quest asks for these battles to be played in the "Adventure or Arena" Modes. Play battles in one of those modes so they count!
*Only the Classic Adventure island will work for Adventure battles. Seasonal islands such as Archer+, Futurama+, or Takeover islands will not count!*
- If you choose to play Adventure battles to complete this quest, then need to be at "Silver" difficulty or higher.
*Each Adventure opponent's difficulty will increase when you defeat them. Bronze Silver
Onyx. Bronze difficulty battles will not count!*
To view a list of all Quests, current and past, visit Quest Archive.