A very festive holiday Mega Quest starts soon! With the start of this upcoming Mega Quest, we will be making some tweaks to rewards. The largest change is an increase in the total number of milestones available. This will allow for an overall improvement to the Season Pass reward track by adding a large number of additional rewards. The free track will remain the same.
Some more details:
- Total milestones increase from 22 to 44!
- The free track will still only reward on 22 of the milestones.
- The Season Pass track will reward on 44 of the milestones.
- Season Pass holders are eligible to earn upwards of 66 total rewards during Mega Quest!
- Players on the free track will have to claim empty milestones to proceed.
- The price of the Season Pass will remain the same.
Feel free to ask us any questions you might have by using the new ask-a-question forum. If you just wish to discuss the change with other players you may do so, in general, We hope you enjoy this update.